We’ve  accrued a list of most frequently asked questions and answers that you may find useful.

If you have any questions or concern, please use our contact form, or send us an email at [email protected]

Q: If a person registers with NYCOWASP! code (Saving the $50), what do they have access to at AppSecUSA?  What do they NOT have access to at the event?”

Answer: Trainings, Briefings (Salon 1-4) Refreshments and Receptions are restricted to full badge holders. The Career Fair, Lockpick Village, OWASP Project Summit and Sponsor areas will be OPEN to EVERYONE who has simply registered with a “Expo Only” badge.  Details of the costs and badge types are listed here: http://appsecusa.org/2013/register/

Q:  What can I do to help the conference TODAY?

Answer: OCTOBER is cyber awareness month — so MAKE SOME NOISE! Use social media like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Newsgroups, Email signature tag, IRC etc. and help promote AppSec USA. Be sure to include a note about a topic that is described on the website and  include a link to our website: www.appsecusa.org

Help us make this a SOLD OUT EVENT!